Photo by Christaface on / CC BY-NC-ND
One of the most important factors of kitchen design is storage. You could have the most beautiful looking kitchen in the world but it still has to be functional. Sometimes you are looking to dress up an old kitchen without breaking the bank. Many of the most useful storage ideas don’t have to cost anything but a little time and creativity. Whether you are making the best of a small space or just want to add some clever features to your kitchen, where things will be kept is paramount.
A clean kitchen is best to work in. The more organized you can keep your kitchen the easier it is to keep clean. When everything has a place everything tends to stay in it’s place. Modern kitchen design often tends to hide certain essential aspects of a functional food prep area. Uniformity is key. Minimalist design is the same but to the extreme. Classic designs might make use of ornate or gaudy finishing.
Convert A Drawer Into Useful Storage For Utensils.
We all know how easily utensils can make a kitchen drawer jam up about 65% of the time. This clever kitchen hack converts a kitchen drawer into the perfect utensil storage option. Most kitchens already have at least one deep drawer. This is a drawer that takes up 2 drawer spaces. The idea is as simple as removing the top single-space drawer and connecting the front drawer plates.

Add an Appliance Garage To An Empty Nook
Most of us already have a few appliances hanging around in one spot on the counter. Maybe they are even tucked in to a corner. Creating an appliance garage makes use of vacant counter space under cupboards and in corners.

source: Houzz
Hack A Drawer To Have A Cutting Board with Automatic Disposal
This clever space saving hack expands on the popular idea of storing garbage in a drawer. You could easily deal with compost by snipping vegetable bits right into the bin.

source: farmchicks
Do More With Kitchen Drawers

This kitchen by Emily Henderson makes use of every nook and cranny by including drawer driven hide-away panties. Great for spices, dry goods and other kitchen items.
Build a Trash Bin With a Butcher-Block Countertop
Hide your trash can in style with this tilt-open-door cabinet. You can add any countertop to it; we choose butcher block to have an extra food prep area but there are a lot of possibilites.

source: DIYnetwork
Store Above A Window
A simple shelf above a window can add so much room in a kitchen without taking anything away. This can be a great place for cookbooks, plates, bowls or even just the dry goods that normally lay around. Anything you would like on display is also great on an above window shelf.

Use A Rolling Kitchen Cart
Rolling carts can be useful in the kitchen for extra dry food storage or things you often need on hand. They are great for many of the things for which it can be hard to find the perfect place. Here is another DIY tutorial for how to really trick out your rolling kitchen cart.

Hanging Mason Jar Storage
In most kitchens counter space is a commodity. Any amount that can be free is helpful. Here is an idea taken straight from your grandfather’s tool shed. Mason jars are fairly easy to come by with everyone thinking about better for packaging and storage.

source: HGTV
Hidden Pegboard Storage
Hidden storage always adds something special to a kitchen design. Adding that wow factor is easy. Pegboards are versatile additions to most storage. Rolling away like a drawer allows for quick access to those ‘need to have on hand’ tools and items.

Putting it all together. For your original design it is essential to hire a kitchen designer. Although there are still plenty of small kitchen hacks that can be done with things around the house and a little DIY knowledge. The kitchen of your dreams is never too far out of reach.
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